The Davis House - part 2

Cohocton NY

August 2, 2014

Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim along with guest Ronda

Although the house was physically quieter on this night, we still got some interesting results.

This clip is a little confusing to understand, but the recorder was upstairs while we were all downstairs. It appears that Jennifer says something about a birthday….and then there is a spirit voice that says “I know…..guilty”.  But the part about the birthday is also a spirit voice, because upon review, these words were never spoken. So it was her vocal tones changed into something else.

As we were speaking downstairs, this recorder was upstairs and captured the voice of a young child.


We heard a loud knock at one point.


Here is a clip of a young child’s voice that seems to say “hi mommy”

Tim had his name said several times on our recorders. Here is one:


This was captured upstairs, we can not decipher what the word(s) is/are:


-to be continued-